The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the seven sacraments where we receive a special outpouring of God’s life into our souls. Along with Baptism and Eucharist, it is one of the three sacraments of initiation. In Confirmation, we receive a sealing of the gift of divine life received in Baptism and a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit. After receiving Confirmation, we are strengthened with an outpouring of God’s love that helps us follow Him every day and be a witness of His love to those around us.
What are the components of 2nd Year Confirmation preparation?
Provide a Copy of Baptismal Certificate
Attend weekly Mass and Holy Days of Obligation
Confirmation Preparation Orientation Meeting
Participate as Youth Leaders with our Weekly Wednesday Faith Formation \(Public School Candidates)
Participate in 1st Sunday Verso L'alto Family Formation Events
Attend 3rd Sunday Candidate/ Sponsor Sessions
Attend a Confirmation Retreat: TEC or Steubenville
Participate in suggested areas of Service: Fall Festival and Rake the Town
Take Part in an Interview with Our Pastor
Write a Letter of Request to Our Bishop
Attend Your Confirmation Rehearsal and Liturgy
High school age students interested in starting Confirmation preparation with our parish cluster should contact our Faith Formation Director, Beverly Miller
Canonical Requirements of being a sponsor:
Must be at least 16 years old.
Must be a fully initiated Catholic and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
Must practice the faith (go to Mass every Sunday, receive Reconciliation at least once per year, pray daily etc.)
Must be married in the Catholic Church OR single and living a chaste life.
A sponsor cannot be a parent or guardian of the candidate
Expectations of the Sponsor:
Participate as much as possibe in the faith life of your candidate
Attend 3rd Sunday Candidate/Sponsor meetings.
Attend the Confirmation rehearsal and Confirmation liturgy (dates to be decided)
to live a strong example of the faith for their candidate